→ O+M Lecture: BILPHENA YAHWON (2023)
Animated posters for social media
Objects + Methods Lecture Series is hosted by the Department of Graphic Design at VCU. Bilphena Yahwon is a Baltimore based writer, abolitionist and restorative practices specialist born in Liberia, West Africa. Yahwon is the author of ‘teaching gold-mah how to heal herself.’ the co-creator of For Black Girls Considering Womanism Because Feminism Is Not Enuf and a core member of Press Press. Her online library, The Womanist Reader, is dedicated to archiving free texts from Black women across the diaspora. Using Three.JS type tool as design method, I used a page of a “book” that contains the speaker information as an asset to generate texts and glitches to convey the sense of online library.
Poster installed on the VCU GDES light box.