

Emergencezinefair.com (2021)

Web Design Illustration Branding Typography Editorial Design

Landing Page of Emergencezinefair.com with the logo and type design by taehee

Emergence Zine Fair (October 16th, 2021) is an equitable zine fair project founded by Hyperlink Press and Yellow Pearls Zine wherein the emerging artists and zine vendors get paid to participate. As a founder and director, I overlooked grant writing, setting timeline & budget, forming partnerships, and coordinating with vendors and venues. Through 11 weeks of collaboration with 4 other organizers and 8 volunteers, we had a successful turnout where 300 attendees participated in a full day event while following NYC COVID regulation. After the fair, I published gathered logistics into an ongoing webzine “How to Emerge: Towards the Emergence of Equitable Zine Fairs” (2022) funded by Printed Matter. This webzine is an open source information for people to create and vision their own equitable zine fairs. The website presents interviews with emerging zine makers, logistics, and programming know-hows.